Food Processing Business Incubation Centre
Bottling Plant
Increased urbanization, improved standards of living, and the convenience needs of dual income families increases market potentials of processed foods in the country. Furthermore, by processing and value addition, the producer and trader can enhance their income levels and the food availability for domestic consumption and for export will increase. In India, the annual consumption of 'value-added' foods alone is greater than Rs.2,25,000 crores per year which is larger than the entire manufacturing sector. Ironically India looses 25 to 50% of the fruits and vegetables, 10 to 30% of the grains and oil seeds in the post harvest chain. These losses translate to a whopping monetary loss worth Rs. 60,000 crores per year.

Ice Cream Processing Line
Preserving and value adding these wastages will help to enhance the income levels of farmers, traders and the country as a whole. Wide and untapped scopes exist for the farmers, entrepreneurs and unemployed youths to improve their economic status by investing into food processing sectors. Due to the lack of technical knowledge on processing, preservation and value addition of the agricultural produce no new ventures in food processing sector come in. Food processing and value addition are promising commercial business prospects at cottage levels and for village youth and women self help group member.

Onion Processing Line
To encourage new entrepreneurs to participate in the business of food processing and value addition, they have to be technically trained by providing hands-on experiences. They need to see and work for themselves on processing and value addition of foods. They have to be provided with incubation facilities for market testing their products. To fulfill all these basic needs, recently we have created a hi-tech food processing incubation cum training centre in NIFTEM-T.
Objectives of the NIFTEM-Ts Training cum Incubation Center
- Food processing technology transfer through trainings to entrepreneurs, rural youths, self help group members
- To help these clientele to establish new and innovative food processing businesses
- To develop, test and commercialize new processed food products.
- To use the center as an incubation unit to interested stake holders for product development and market testing.
ISO & HACCP Certification for Food Processing Business Incubation Centre

Virgin Coconut Oil Processing Line
NIFTEM-T today prides itself as the first Indian institute to secure this all three certificates. We are proud to have achieved ISO & HACCP certification which attests to the robustness and quality of our Food Processing Business Incubation process. The following certificates were received for the Food Processing Business Incubation Centre activities. The scope and importance of the above mentioned certificates are as below:
Scope &
of value added agricultural and horticultural products
and eco-friendly network in our institute
9000/ HACCP
of food processing technology transfer programs, Incubation amenities,
Technical consultancy services, Turn key projects